Friday, January 30, 2009

He Said No

So, Frank said "no" to the incredibly talented Misty Miotto. Well, not so much no, more like...well...he said nothing at all. Which translates into "no." A couple of hours later he brought up Randy Chapman and Stan Severance and what a great "deal" they had, and how "flexible" they were. Basically, he has gotten chummy with them. I guess that's not a bad thing, especially since his first response to a photographer was, "Why would I pay that kind of money to have someone take my pictures? I hate having my pictures taken."

Randy Chapman + Stan Severance = Happy Frank

Happy Frank = Happy Jenny (one more thing to check off!)


Cyd said...

Don't you just love checking things off the list? I do! :-)

Jenny said...

Yes!!!!!! :)

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