Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cute Little Touches

Why not add a special little touch to your wedding correspondence? These stamps are a great way to add just a small personalized touch.

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After all, the envelopes are the first things your guests will see!!! There are many stamp sites out there. You can customize your own design, use pictures, or pick from a wide variety of templates. Why not make special stamps to go on Thank You cards??

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If you're having a destination wedding, you could find a cute pic of each of your wedding attendants and stock them up on postcards and personalized stamps to send out to their loved ones!


bridechic said...

I was wondering when sthe US Postal would come out with this. It's about time!

Jenn said...

If you sign up for Zazzle's mailing list, they send out discount promotion codes all the time! :)

Erin said...

These are such a great idea - our guests went nuts over our personalized stamps. It was challenging to come up with little ways to be "different" because I was the 8th of my 9 best friends to be married in an 18 month period!!!

Anonymous said...

These are great stamps! I am looking for something a little different for my invitations.

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